Transport insurance plans enable small and large import or export companies to be more active as long as they have ensured the safe transport of their goods.
The plans of secure transport provide the protection you need against damaging events and enable you, who deal with trade, to take commercial risks with greater confidence by expanding your business.
Especially, when the cost is a small percentage of the commercial value of the items, while the benefit is mainly the safeguarding of your interests and the viability of your business.
Cargo transport insurance in Greece is particularly affected by the adverse economic conditions of the times.
Meeting the high needs and requirements of this particular market, we are by your side with the highest possible quality of services and modern insurance plans for all kinds of goods, including various machines.
Today, the goods are covered from any kind of damage or loss they suffer from during their transport around the world and by all means, according to the 3 clauses of the Institute Cargo Clauses of London Underwritters and their optional extensions. The clauses (A,B,C) provide the following coverage:
Institute Cargo Clause C
This clause covers the damage that may be caused to the cargo due to an accident of the means of transport, i.e. collision, crash, overturning, sinking, grounding, fire, explosion and the discharge of the cargo into the sea. It also covers the sacrifice of general average and the participation in salvage charges.
Institute Cargo Clause B
This clause covers the damages of clause C and additional damages to the cargo caused by earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightning, grabbing of goods from the waves, penetration of sea, lake or river water, total loss of parcel during loading or unloading from the ship.
Institute Cargo Clause A
It covers all risks during transport (clause against all risks) except those that are explicitly excluded in the contract. Indicatively, it covers all the damages included in clauses C and B and any additional losses due to breakage, theft, piracy or malicious act. The main exceptions of the insurance policy include the deceit of the policyholder, the natural deterioration of the goods, the same defect, terrorist acts, delay and others.